Gloria kończy swój wolontariat w DMK

31 sierpnia jest ostatnim dniem pobytu wolontariuszki Glorii Sanchez w Domu Pojednania i Spotkań im. Św. Maksymiliana Kolbego w Gdańsku. Gloria przyjechała do DMK na projekt: „The voluntary as a factor inspiring the conciliation and integration” w ramach Akcji 2 Wolontariatu Europejskiego Programu UE „Młodzież w Działaniu”. Zadaniem wolontariuszki w trakcie trwania programu było wspieranie pracy teamu programowego DMK w zakresie projektów współpracy młodzieży z Europy Wschodniej i Zachodniej. Gloria pomagała także nawiązywać nowe kontakty partnerskie i wspomagać swoją praca projekty odnoszące się do problematyki europejskiej, w szczególności w takich jej aspektach jak: prawa człowieka, rozwój społeczeństwa obywatelskiego, edukacja i świadomość europejska, wielokulturowość.

 Sofiia Useinova

Koordynator projektu

With the participants of a Program Study Tour to Poland


 Nazywam się Gloria i pochodzę z południa Hiszpanii (Andaluzja). Mam 27 lat i studiowałam sztukę piękną na Uniwersytecie w Granadzie. Następnie specjalizowałam się w rekonstrukcji obrazów  i konserwacji dziedzictwa narodowego. Jako że nie znam Polskiego języka zbyt dobrze, opiszę swoje doświadczenia z wolontariatu w języku Angielskim.

 My volunteer experience in DMK is ending. Poland gave me almost everything that I wanted; a different culture and country, a new style of live, learn other language, new friends and other kind of job. Although it has been a great way, has not been easy for the language and cultural barriers, and also to change to a colder temperatures. During my work of different projects I could meet very interesting young students from other countries, even important people in relation with the politic and government of Poland. For example  the President of Poland between 1990-1995, Lech Wałęsa.

Presentation about Flamenco in Spanish week



Outside the organization, I spent the free time in these twelve months assisting to a meetings with others volunteers and Erasmus students from different countries, making cultural evenings, assisting to a language exchanges, practicing outside sport with friends (was the first time in my life that I used sled, I learned how to skate on ice and ski), and of course, traveling in Poland and other countries.

I traveled with some volunteers that I met in a trainings for volunteers and also with polish friends. The cities that we visited (aside from Tricity) were Poznań, Toruń, Warsaw, Kraków, Wrocław, Łódż, Malbork, Szymbark, Hel Peninsula, the huge salt mine in Wieliczka, the incredible dunes in Łeba and some little villages in a forest of near the lakes. Outside Poland we visited Prague (Czech Republic) and we made a very interesting bus trip through Europe direction to French Alps to spend a few days skiing. But the most impressive and hard visit that we made was the concentration champ Auschwitz-Birkenau, where we learned a lot about the history of Poland.

Skiing in French Alps
Prague (Chech Republic)

The last few weeks are very sad, because is the time to say goodbye to a lot of volunteers and friends that we made during these months. After that, I decided stay in Poland to work and continue learning more about the culture, the country and the language.  Now begins another stage of my live. We will see what happens in the future!

Being an European Voluntary has given to me a very positive and rewarding experience for my personal development. Therefore I recommend to all young people who like travel, help and learn!

Do zobaczenia!

Middle training for volunteers in Pułtusk
Spanish volunteers in a Cultural Evening